Photo by Richard Berry
Cath has a strong teaching background and is comfortable telling stories to children at all ages and stages of development. She is happy to devise performances and workshops to meet the needs of individual schools and Early Years Centres.
Cath is aware of the therapeutic value of stories and believes that from stories children learn “that to be human in this world of ours means having to accept difficult challenges, but also encountering wonderful adventures.”
Bruno Bettelheim, The Uses of Enchantment
“The staff and children were captivated by the stories which were told with such enthusiasm and passion.”
Windsor Clive School
“Storytelling of this calibre hones the children’s writing skills. It enriches their language. The ambitious language and the opportunity to hear such words in a compelling context is beneficial to all, but is especially so for children whose first language is not English.”
Severn Road School
Mae Cath yn dysgu Cymraeg. Mae hi’n gallu adrodd storiau syml a chanu caneuon traddodiadol yn Cymraeg.
Cath is a Welsh learner. She can tell simple stories and sing traditional songs in Welsh.